Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Articulating Nothing

Articulating Nothing

In this quietus place I wait beyond life and death and acquiesce the deafening Silence of Nothingness
Would temptation bear me the least bit or even a drop of it; I would run to the empty promise of it
Yearning for that which I can never get and yet I wait baited like an unanswered line; phone or fish
I’d wish, were I not schooled in the foolishness of something so unrequited, cryptic; undecipherable
Yet it is Nothing that I know, albeit it is that, which it gives, and I craft this abstract barren gift
As I Articulate it, yet, wait, is it not doing this, are we so wise as to think that we are above it?
Am I so sure that every single thing is not being expressed by it; that which isn’t?
Well, I can speak for only me, blinded by a single sublime clarity, to see, Nothing, moving, me
As if someone finally listened to it; the silence of it, and became the stillness of it
And on the verge of awareness I see that none of this matters; so far from the primal thread
I can throw all of this assumed waste away and still be embedded in the thick of Nothingness
I could drop it all and be better off, yet, who has ears for what isn’t there; who would lend it here?
If I have Noting to say I then will be sent away, yet, in my silence all is said; volumes to be read
Did you think I would not find my way home all alone; without a star to be shown?
Did you think that you could make these vast anthologies of mental masturbatory material?
And I’d think it was real...think again; your books of then were movie screens, on which you were projecting
And we; your Story Book Children, listening to the dreams of hot flashed insane old men
And here we are thousands of years later fighting over the same old sand; here I’ll say it...”It’s all a Sham”
It’s all a crock and a pretty damn expensive sandbox; you are lucky for now that you can hold nature at bay
For all that is unnecessary will soon be washed away so too the games of war that you play
So I watch and wait for the timing and the chance to articulate something so simple and clear; that it will clear
The playing field of archaic predisposed contingencies and the world can finally be free from them
In the depth of understanding that this is about Nothing at all; there then is no consorted beginning or end
Finding reason is the death to all things, in the dissecting, you separate out the innate inherent joining
This is the space in between that holds everything together because there was Nothing there ever to begin with
This is the point; the miracle if you will, is that there wasn’t anything there to create any of this; that’s a myth
And from the deepest understanding; absolutely ridiculous to pass over the strings of power to those who take it
So I say that you don’t have to believe to receive; we are inherently designed to acquire all that we need
That is the power of a mustard seed “Within” exists all that it needs there is no prayer to gods or even heed!
We feed on the bounty of the Universe Within and create and manifest out of Nothing; it has always been
Stop diverting your attention to other things in hope that they will bring you something; you’re the thing!
On a Macrocosmic level it can be viewed as one thing on a microcosmic level, many, yet, it all sits in
And is made up of Nothing; if you spend your time worshiping or blaming anything you miss the point
And the point is....there isn’t any, so you are free; having a reason is a mechanism of slavery
So too with purpose and cause; this creates a myriad of inane and useless laws about things with no meaning
What I am saying in Articulating Nothing is that you have been trained to give power and allegiance over
To people, places, things, situations and circumstances that have no power or meaningful origin;
Plagued with misconstrued ideas of life death and sin and a false life you are living
Contemplate Nothing and let go of everything; embrace the primal teachings of silence, stillness and emptiness
And approach peace; at least for a moment so that you can remember the feeling of it, if you don’t choose it
And I will wait here and life after life you will have a brief memory of this quintessential moment and meeting
On the street somewhere under a dimly lit sign that reads “Nowhere” I’ll be here

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